Contact Information
Detailed Information
Nikisat Printing and Advertising is categorized under Advertising
you can find us on 913019709 ~ 913019709 ~
Bole medihanialem around sheger building
ንቅሳት ህትመትና ማስታወቂያ
ቦሌ መድሃኒአለም ሸግር ህንፃ አጠገብ
Nikisat Printing and Advertising is categorized under Advertising
you can find us on 913019709 ~ 913019709 ~
Bole medihanialem around sheger building
ንቅሳት ህትመትና ማስታወቂያ
ቦሌ መድሃኒአለም ሸግር ህንፃ አጠገብ