The son of man
Jesus Christ
headed to river Jordan
True to the prophesy,
to meet John the Baptist.
Opening the sky
Father above
Jesus in
Jordan River
The Holy Spirit
Incarnated in a dove
was revealed
the 3-in-1 mystery
to solve.
This as a backdrop,
Carrying replicas of the
Ark of the Covenant
On their head,
putting on
Motely religious robes
Priests go to a nearby river
by the laity
Tagged, flanked
and lead.
In white costumes attired
the laity
who has dressed to kill
leaves no space
on the road to fill.
The colorful procession
Grabs undivided attention.
Melodies hymns
Pleasing Music
of harps and many a drum
an electrifying
Effect is the sum.
History has it
Ethiopia has been
keeping originality
as never before
“Ethiopia raises its
Hands to God!”
Is witnessed
In Ethiopia’s Epiphany
Magnified manifold.
Reverberates the song
“Headed to River Jordan
The son of man!”
(Ethiopia stands out in marking Epiphany; true to the Biblical saying Ethiopia stretches its hands unto God.)
What is love?
He sang to me, his music of silence.
His canvases empty…
a great painter was he.
He wept devoid of tears,
and he laughed without teeth…
his books contained no lines
nor did his poetries.
He never said the words
but I know he loved me…
one who truly feels love,
discerns it quietly
Your landscape is beautiful
Your people are thoughtful
What is happening now?
Death became familiar
Racism became popular
A land of human origin
Naturally gifted in terrain
An ancient motherland
Did not have to degrade
Our self
All the people sacrificed
Is a big deal to my mind?
Why can’t love prevail?
Why can’t we be civil?
A country with many gifts
With bright minds and talents
Should do better in these terms
Love and peace should prevail
Growth and success should sustain
We should forgive each other
And live in peace together
Racism should be cancelled,
And Out of our motherland.
The January 19/2022