Summit highlights youth’s key role for peaceful, prosperous Africa



ADDIS ABABA- African youths are the key drivers of sustainable development and support the continent to achieve Agenda 2063 and overcome the pressing challenges through replicating the spirit of the AU founders, participants of the African Youth Summit underlined.

Participants of the three-day 4th African Youth SDGs Summit stated that African youth have the central role in helping the continent to overcome the pressing challenges the continent have pressing including poverty, conflict and CIOVID-19 pandemic, among others.

Kannelle Hughes, Manager for East Africa International Affairs Office, one of the attendees of the summit said the coming of African youths to discuss together at one place is crucial for the continent. Africa needs innovators and researchers in order to overcome the pressing challenges.

As to her, natural resources should be utilized in a planned manner to transfer Africa’s economy and make the continent equipped with innovation, technology and education for the posterity. “African youths should stand up for common cause, just as the founders of AU leaders did push the continent into unity for development.”

SosinaHansem, an Ethiopian who said the majority of the African population is youth, called for integrated efforts to support the younger generation by educating, and giving the opportunity to them in various decision-making posts. “ African youths need to

 develop their capacity to lead the turbulent continent to peace and prosperity and this gathering can help us to work together in many areas including advocacy for political and sustainable development goals.”

For NusraChemy, a Ugandan, African youth can repulse the Western pressure if they gather for a common goal, discuss the issues critically, find the solution and even they could get Africa out of aid and make it self- sufficient. “Thus, it is time to gather together the African youths to change things in a united manner.”

“What is the most important thing to achieve Agenda 2063 is African leaders to empower their youths and develop their skill on technology and the creation of innovation. After all, the economy will get a boost. So the youths shouldn’t be left behind,” she emphasized.

The March 10/2022

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