Cornelius Engert’s Heroism During the Yekatit 12 Massacre in Ethiopia

In February 1937, Ethiopia’s capital city of Addis Ababa was the site of one of the most horrific massacres in the country’s history. The Yekatit 12 Massacre, carried out by Italian fascist forces who were occupying Ethiopia at the time, resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, primarily those perceived to be political opponents or intellectuals. However, amidst the chaos and violence, one man stood out for his bravery and compassion: Cornelius Engert, the American Chargé d’Affaires in Ethiopia.

Engert was based in the American Legation in Addis Ababa and witnessed firsthand the atrocities being committed by the Italian forces. As the violence escalated, Engert made a decision that would ultimately save the lives of hundreds of Ethiopians. He opened the gates of the Gibbi compound, which was under American control, and allowed around 700 Ethiopians to seek refuge inside.

At the time, Engert’s actions were not officially sanctioned by the U.S. government, which was largely sympathetic to the Italian forces. However, Engert’s individual bravery and humanitarianism in the face of such violence have been celebrated as an example of what one person can do to make a difference.

Yekatit 12
Yekatit 12
Yekatit 12

Engert’s decision to shelter Ethiopians inside the Gibbi compound was a risky one, as the Italian forces were known to be ruthless in their pursuit of perceived enemies. However, Engert was determined to do what he could to protect those in need. By providing shelter and protection to these individuals, he was able to save their lives and protect them from the violence that was taking place outside the compound’s walls.

The Yekatit 12 Massacre was a tragedy for Ethiopia, and the legacy of Cornelius Engert’s heroism is a testament to the power of individual action in the face of such violence. Although his actions were not officially recognized at the time, Engert’s compassion and bravery have been widely praised in the years since. He remains a symbol of hope and courage for those seeking to make a difference in the world, even in the most dire of circumstances.

In conclusion, Cornelius Engert’s heroism during the Yekatit 12 Massacre in Ethiopia is a story of courage and compassion in the face of extreme violence. Engert’s actions saved the lives of hundreds of Ethiopians and serve as an example of the power of individual action in the face of adversity.

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